“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you
walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” -Deuteronomy 6:7
Movers & Shakers
(NB- 4yrs)
Our baby nursery at WFC offers a loving, comfortable, and safe place for the ages of newborn through two years old.
Toddlers who are between the ages of 2 – 4 yrs old receive instruction in simple Bible lessons, music, games and activities from our staff of experienced teachers and helpers. We love sharing the Lord with these littlest giants of faith.
Wiggle Worship
(4 yrs – 6th grade)
Our goal is to communicate the Bible in a way that is age-appropriate, interactive and relevant to today’s kids.
What to expect:
Family Worship Time: The kids join their parents during the worship portion of our Morning Service. Kids are then dismissed to join their peers in their grade-level classroom.
Group Time: Kids enjoy solid Bible teaching, games, projects, snacks, etc.!
Friday Night Fun
(K-6th grade)
Friday Night Fun meets every 2nd Friday of the month. It is active night of fun and games from 7:00-8:15 PM for children in grades K-6. Each Friday Night Fun students play games like Stickball, Prison Dodgeball, Tchouckball, Freeball and Gaga and hear a short lesson from the Bible. Parents can feel free to drop off their children or stick around. We hope you will join us!
Young Families Small Group
(families NB-6th grade)
Join us Sundays before service and Wednesdays at 6:30pm for our Young Families small groups meeting at Warrington Fellowship Church.
Sports Jam
Join us this summer for a fun, safe, action packed event for boys and girls! Each evening children receive coaching in three of four sports –Soccer, Basketball and Football or Cheerleading –plus snacks and inspirational lessons from the Bible. The week ends with a family picnic and celebration for participants and their families.
Who: 5-12 year olds
When: Monday through Friday, Last week of July
Time: 6 – 8:15 pm
Cost: FREE
Contact the church office for more information.